Simplifying Member Management
The Problem
You have a lot of member data – but not a fast way to share it with employees when they need it. Your employees working on the front line may not remember each individual name, allergy, or ailmen and unfortunately human memory is prone to error. The result? Incidents that could have easily been prevented.
Our Solution
Role Call empowers the employee with important member data at their fingertips. Our solution connects employees with relevant data to our secure mobile application so they can act in real time. Names, pre-existing conditions, and more are now available to those who need it when they need it – not just on the office computer.
Check out our Case Study to learn how we improved attendance processing by 83% at The Brigade.
Powerful Info at your Fingertips
Relevant Member Info
Simplified Medical Data
Seamless Integration
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Attendance Reporting
Case Study

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Learn how Role Call can help your organization increase the efficiency of your Attendance Process by up to 83%. No hassle and no financial committment necessary
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